to the environment

ANAV’s environmental policy involves the entire organisation in preventing pollution, protecting the environment, preserving the biodiversity around the plants, promoting innovation and eco-efficiency, and not emitting greenhouse gases.

Preserve, improve

The enviromental management system (SIGEMA)

According to the Environmental Management System (SIGEMA), Ascó and Vandellós II strictly control all activities that may have a significant impact on the environment. The tracking indicators are periodically analysed, and the conclusions drawn enable decisions to be made, objectives to be set and actions to be taken. Additionally, workers get training to make progress in the sustainability challenge.

Thus, the environmental policy is developed according to the following priorities:

ANAV ensures the sustainability of its nuclear activity with safety. This way, it protects the environment and contributes to sustainable development.


Continuously improving the environmental management system.


Ensuring compliance with the environmental legislation and voluntary requirements.


Providing specific environmental budgets.

Raise Awareness

Promoting respect for nature, biodiversity and heritage.


Reducing the environmental impact to minimum levels.


Implementing, maintaining and updating the environmental management system.


Requiring contractor companies to implement environmental policies.


Identifying and mitigating environmental risks.


Periodically establishing environmental programmes and undertaking audits.


Using resources in a sustainable way and implementing good environmental practices.


Maintaining the environmental information documented and updated, and appropriately communicated.


Training the company personnel on environmental matters.

ANAV recycles 84% of the non-hazardous waste it generates during its activities

The Environmental Management Programme

All these objectives are reflected in actions planned by ANAV in the Environmental Management Programme. Its main action lines are:

  • Improved energy efficiency and reduced carbon footprint. Examples of this are the replacement of lighting with LED technology or planting of indigenous trees and shrubs.
  • Reduced raw material use and waste generation. Measures have been implemented to reduce the consumption of irrigation water and modifications have been made to reduce the consumption of chemicals.
  • Biodiversity studies around the nuclear power plants. Examples of this are the studies of macroinvertebrates in the Ebro River or the seabed in front of Vandellós II NPP.
Underwater commitment

Ascó and Vandellós II nuclear power plants collaborate with other institutions in projects focused on studying and preserving the environment, including aquatic habitats.

ANAV has established a programme of internal SIGEMA audits run every three years to verify the level of implementation, compliance and improvement of the management system in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard and the organisation’s policies and expectations.

Additionally, the external audit programme which includes two tracking audits and one renewal audit at the Ascó and Vandellós II facilities, is conducted by an independent and duly approved body in order to certify that the management system complies with the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard.

ANAV trains the company personnel on environmental topics to promote sustainable development and to respect and protect the environment


Working Environmental Training and Awareness Raising

Environmental Radiological Monitoring Programme

The Environmental Radiological Monitoring Programme (PVRA) of ANAV’s plants ensures the best environmental safety conditions and environmental radiological levels are achieved both within the perimeter of the facilities and in the surrounding areas. Thus, according to a protocol agreed with the authorities, dust particles, air, rain water, soil, drinking water, underground water, sediments, as well as goat and sheep milk, crops, meat, birds, eggs and fish are routinely analysed in order to certify that the activity of the nuclear power plants is not altering the values of the radiological parameters in the areas where the plants are located.

The samples and analyses from the PVRA are annually audited by the Catalan Government, at the request of the Nuclear Safety Council.

What is that stuff coming out of the tower?

In nuclear power plants, water steam is key to generating energy. We explain the whole process and what comes out of the… cooling tower.